The women in my own family inspired an enchantment towards feminine dynamics within me when I was very young. The idea of family has always fascinated me- the way our genes manifest into entirely unique replications of the people that come before us, how mannerisms overlap, how we choose to love despite differences. The women in my family have common threads of thinking they know what’s best for everyone else, letting the people they’re around believe that they are not smart, and each of them have their own count of failed/unhealthy romances. But, the women in my family are also incredibly resilient. And support themselves. And work hard. And they are SO thoughtful and tender that I started questioning this whole “God is not a woman” thing when I was 7. Because a lot of who they are is a lot of who I’d like God to be.
I am using this project as a doorway to exposure. Highlighting the diversity of female experience through these families has given me the opportunity to establish a more rooted perspective in my capabilities as a woman. Throughout my life I have constantly been exposed to women who believe in their own intuition- even if they are believing secretly amongst one another with winks- and because of that faith I have found many mothers to nurture me and many sisters to run around with. I am so thankful that the hearts of this world continue birthing more hearts. I have certainly needed these flaming, sacred hearts! While the process of making this was for me, this book is for you.