In the spring of my sophomore year of college our final project for a class I had was to make a piece about Science/Spirituality. Up to that point I had been avoiding a lot of discussion on both of these topics because I had become uncomfortable with what I’d always been taught and was complacent enough to not do anything else about it. I knew it was about time I start searching for something so I decided the best way to do that was to start asking people what they think about it all. I still cling to the words many of these people gave me. I am so grateful for everyone that has been so honest and willing to share with me! Many of the people I interviewed were searching just as I still am today. My thoughts change everyday, as I’m sure most seeker’s thoughts do.
There were two very important things I realized from this project:
1. Science and Spirituality are on in the same.
2. No matter what we call it, we are all speaking about the same thing.